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Complex Multi-Streaming

In this scenario, a publisher wishes to send in video. The raw video should be sent to Youtube and Twitch as-is (to let them do their own transcoding), but we want to send a 720p feed to service A and 1080p feed to service B.

graph TD A[Video Publisher] B[mmids] C[Youtube] D[Twitch] E[Service A] F[Service B] G[720p Transcode] H[1080p Transcode] A -->|rtmp://server/publish/stream| B B --> C B --> D B --> G G --> E B --> H H --> F

This can be accomplished with the following configuration:

workflow ingest {
    rtmp_receive rtmp_app=publish stream_key=stream
    workflow_forwarder target_workflow=transcode_720
    workflow_forwarder target_workflow=transcode_1080
    ffmpeg_push target=rtmp://
    ffmpeg_push target=rtmp://

workflow transcode_720 {
    ffmpeg_transcode vcodec=h264 acodec=copy size=1280x720 bitrate=2500
    ffmpeg_push target=rtmp://service_a/app/some_key

workflow transcode_1080 {
    ffmpeg_transcode vcodec=h264 acodec=copy size=1920x1080 bitrate=4000
    ffmpeg_push target=rtmp//service_b/app/some_key